Random Farm Photos (RFP-2)

I’m not finished with the Idaho trip blog posts and the Oregon trip starts tomorrow, but I have to sort and edit a lot of photos and this feels easier—to just use random photos that I want to share anyway.

BFL-X and triplets

These are the BFL-x triplets and I tried weaning once. Six days of separation was not enough.

BFL-x and huge lambs nursing

I was afraid of that but when I left for the Idaho trip I put all the “dry” ewes back with the flock. That didn’t work.

Friendly pet sheep

Speaking of Idaho—when I got back the friendly sheep seemed to have missed me. This is Addy, the bottle baby from this spring, and Vixen who is starting to be more friendly.

Friendly pet Jacob sheep

Of course there is Jade, who always wants to be in the petting zone.

Goat sisters

Morning view of the goats. Sisters stay together.

Rat hiding in wall.

This is in the chicken house. Do you see the rat tail? There were three there moments before I took the photo. I’m still on a rat vendetta. I have a new trap and caught four in it yesterday. That will have to be another story.

Western kingbirds on the fence.

I took this yesterday morning. Those are Western Kingbirds. I love watching them fly around the sheep or the tractor when I’m mowing to catch the insects that are stirred up.

Cluttered desk

This is part of what I was trying to work through this morning in order to clean the desk before leaving tomorrow.