Miscellaneous Views at BSG

The last three blog posts have been about Black Sheep Gathering but, wait! There is more! Camping-tent

My tent.I have had this tent for 35 years and wasn't sure that the rainfly was waterproof. I don't think I'd want to be in a major storm, but it was adequate for the light rain the first night of camping.


I spent some time on Friday afternoon and Saturday morning watching the wool show.Martin judging

Martin Dally  is entertaining as well as knowledgable. He explained what he was doing throughout the show and even let the audience come up to see and feel the fleeces after he finished with a class.

Merino fleece

Colored Merino fleece.

Merino fleece-2

White Merino fleece.

Corriedale fleece

Corriedale fleece that won the overall best white fleece.

Then to the vendor hall where I took shots of color, texture, and other things that caught my eye.

Art yarn

Hooked rug


Mohair locks

Horn helmet

Reindeer pelt

These are reindeer hides.

There is also a Fiber Arts contest.IMG_2227

Moo-shoe pork

This one is called Moo-Shoe Pork. Look closely at the feet.


Back in the barn, this felted banner was made by Jackie, Farm Club member and friend who's business is Sheep to Shop.


I got a late start home on Sunday (the next post) but made my ritual stop at the Mt. Shasta overlook just before dark. I love that mountain...and I love California.

Spinners' Lead at BSG

The Spinner's Lead is one of the events I enjoy most at Black Sheep Gathering. It is a competition in which entrants show off their handspun or felted items and bring the animal that was the fiber source (or borrow a representative one from one of the animal exhibitors). There are two categories--one for Owner and one for Non-Owner.IMG_2291 Alison and I both entered Jacob yarn vests. Alison's vest is incredible. She started this project three or four years ago, spinning Jacob wool into 4-ply yarn. She knit the vest using twined knitting to create a fabric that is windproof but stretchy--a natural alternative to Polartech. At one point Alison had knit the vest almost to the top but was not happy with it and ripped it all the way back to the cast-on row! It features i-cord band, sewn in zipper, and pockets.


I started working on my vest about four weeks before BSG, inspired when I figured out that the fleece of the sheep I was entering, was still in the barn and was a beautiful one. After spinning the yarn the fabric took two days to warp and weave and another to turn into a vest. On Tuesday of the BSG week I wove scarves using white and the leftover black yarn. Weaving is so much faster than knitting!


Honey was my selected sheep for the Spinners' Lead because it was her fleece I used. I chose Marv for Alison because he seemed the best most compliant of the other sheep. She spent a little time practicing with him before the event.


I handed my i-phone off to a friend who took most of these photos, and it's not easy to get good photos standing at the outside of the show ring. (Thanks, Deb.)



Alpaca shawl. Red hair, red shawl, red alpaca. (Honey did not like the alpaca when it showed up in the line near her.)


BFL sheep with her young owner. This one was the winner of the Owner category.


This was the most unusual entry this year--felted sheep masks. The wearers are leading sheep, but they needed to be guided as well.


Sweater knitted from natural colored fleece.


Waiting to hear the results. Alison won the non-owner category! It was well-deserved.

More Sheep View at BSG

Sheep aren't the only fiber animals at Black Sheep Gathering.Angora show The Angora goat show was on Saturday. But it's mostly about sheep.


It's not always easy to get a good photo of sheep when they are in small pens.

Shetland ram 2

This is a Shetland ram.


Blue-faced Leicester.


This sheep posed nicely.


Here is a Jacob look-alike, at least from the spots. No Jacob has ears that big.


The Young Flock competition is on Saturday at the end of all the other shows and there is a special prize for the best Young Flock of the whole show. A young flock is made up of two ewe lambs and one ram lamb from a single breeder.


I had the Jacob young flock in the competition.


Sheep seen in the vendor hall.

Navajo-churro wool

Look at these beautiful curls on a Navajo-churro lamb fleece.

Teeswater wool

Speaking of curls, this spectacular 12" fleece is on this...


...Teeswater sheep.

Black Sheep Gathering 2016

Black Sheep Gathering in Eugene, Oregon is an event I always look forward to. I don't go as a vendor so it's not work. It's more like a road trip with sheep. Usually friends and Farm Club members (who are friends too) carpool but this year we were all on different schedules and instead we met up once we were in Oregon. IMG_2018.jpg

Loaded and ready to go. I took ten sheep, five of which were going to a new home. Fortunately only two were yearlings and the rest were lambs or I wouldn't have had room. That was Thursday. It was a long day because I just couldn't seem to stay awake for the drive. I left the house at 6:30 a.m. but stopped at several rest stops to take short naps and finally pulled into the fairgrounds about 4:30.

Black Sheep Gathering opened Friday morning with too many choices. What is a fiber fanatic to do? Watch the wool show? Watch the sheep show? Go to class? Shop?


Several friends participated in the Sheep-to-Shawl competition on Friday in which teams have five hours to prep fiber, spin yarn, and weave a shawl.



They spent many hours prior to the event dyeing and spinning the warp yarn, warping the loom, and sampling...


...to determine how they would use this beautiful fiber to spin the weft yarn.


Weaver, Gynna, wove a beautiful shawl (but I didn't get a photo when it was finished).

Walking back to the barn to get ready for the Jacob sheep show I saw...Shetland ram

...this Shetland ram displaying his ribbon.


Time to take the sheep to the show ring. IMG_2073

Even though we had spent time working with the sheep they were not always cooperative. That is ram lambs, Marv and Meyer.


A friend who lives in Davis helped me show. That's the judge inspecting Meyer's fleece.


Checking Marv's fleece.


This is Lauren, one of the yearling ewes. I hadn't planned to sell her but she stayed in Oregon as a trade for another yearling. (That will be another story.)IMG_2159

Meridian Marv (Meridian Rotor x Meridian Marilyn) won Champion Jacob Ram...15031 Honey-BSG

...and yearling, Meridian Honey (Meridian Alex x Meridian Hot Lips), was Champion Jacob Ewe.



It's fun to win ribbons and trophies, but there were only two of us exhibiting sheep and I was the lucky one this year. In other years they have won the ribbons. The other breeder has beautiful sheep too and I  brought three of them home with me.


This is one of them and she will be introduced formally in another post.