More Sheep View at BSG

Sheep aren't the only fiber animals at Black Sheep Gathering.Angora show The Angora goat show was on Saturday. But it's mostly about sheep.


It's not always easy to get a good photo of sheep when they are in small pens.

Shetland ram 2

This is a Shetland ram.


Blue-faced Leicester.


This sheep posed nicely.


Here is a Jacob look-alike, at least from the spots. No Jacob has ears that big.


The Young Flock competition is on Saturday at the end of all the other shows and there is a special prize for the best Young Flock of the whole show. A young flock is made up of two ewe lambs and one ram lamb from a single breeder.


I had the Jacob young flock in the competition.


Sheep seen in the vendor hall.

Navajo-churro wool

Look at these beautiful curls on a Navajo-churro lamb fleece.

Teeswater wool

Speaking of curls, this spectacular 12" fleece is on this...


...Teeswater sheep.