Sheep Close-Ups

Guess which sheep will let me get this close and hold still enough for photos?DSC_2648DSC_2647DSC_2644DSC_2658DSC_2653DSC_2662DSC_2651  DSC_2661Gorgeous fleece.DSC_2667Why, it's Jade! Who else? She's the one in the Santa hat in the previous post.DSC_2669Sheep going out to pasture last week. I've closed the gate today. The grasses are dormant and need warm weather and more daylight to get growing well again...if they get water, that is. This grass is showing signs of drying out. I hope some of the rain that is predicted comes through.

Celebrate Hug a Sheep Day

Yes, it is Hug a Sheep Day and we'll be celebrating it here at the farm. Anyone can join us. So that those of you who have never hugged a sheep can get a feel for this I thought I'd share some sheep hugging photos.DSC_5722 IMG_2901


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DSC_5736The photos above are all of Farm Club members. If you join Farm Club you will have plenty of sheep hugging opportunities.IMG_3512My granddaughter on a visit out here last spring.DSC_1625 This is another cute kid, the age my granddaughter is now, at Fiber Fusion.DSC_4178 Chickens deserve hugs too.Goat kids 2006 - 1 And baby goats. Now we're getting into the archives. This is my son about 10 years ago.IMG_5667 Another sheep hug.Running with the lambs Running with sheep.Settle girls and lambs I love this photo. A couple of these girls are in college now.Kids sleeping at fairWhile I was searching photos I found this one. Doesn't have to do with hugging sheep, but it's two of my kids waking up in the dairy barn at the State Fair back in my dairy cow days.Steph kids1-2006 My mom drying off a newly born kid.TinaBut today will be all about hugging sheep.

Moving Rams

The sheep are now separated into only two flocks now. There is a smaller non-breeding group and the larger group of ewes who are all (hopefully) bred. A couple of days ago I put the young rams, Nash and Rotor back together and their ewes with the rest of the flock.IMG_6914The trick with putting rams together is to crowd them into a small space until they have figured out the pecking order. They will still fight but can't do as much damage as if they had more room to bash each other. This was too much room even with the barrel taking up space. Rotor, the 4-horn ram was beating the heck out of Nash, the 2-horn. Nash is the bigger ram so it surprised me that Rotor was the dominant one.IMG_6922They spent the night in this space and I took out the middle panel the next morning.15016 Nash rightNow they are back in the ram pen and best buddies. This is one of the photos I will send in for Nash's registration.15025 Rotor leftThis is Rotor. Both are only 7 months old.12031 Honey right Another March lamb I will register is Honey. Faulkner (1)After I sent Ringo off to a friend's farm (when he comes back I'll have to go through ram introduction all over again) the ewes were in the barn near Faulkner. Is this wishful thinking on his part?DSC_1759 I sent him out to the field with all the ewes.Faulkner He found at least one ewe who was interested in him.

Views on the Farm

Taken over the last week or so.Ewes coming in from pastureSheep coming in from the pasture.AmaryllisAmaryllis following.dallisgrassDallisgrass. 15016 Nash left Ram lamb that I'm keeping. He'll be at the Lambtown sheep show. This is Meridian Nash (Meridian Crosby x Mud Ranch Ginseng).

15045 Love this guy's horn spread (Meridian Crosby x Meridian Sophia). I wish I had room to keep all the promising ram lambs for several months, but most have to go before breeding season. In fact there has already been at least one major ram break-out involving the ram lambs and I'm sure that I'll have at least a couple of early lambs (mid January instead of late February when the planned lambs will come).DSC_9843Here are the yearling and two-year old rams. Puddleduck Ringo, Meridian Crosby, Foley, and Alex. Foley is sold and will be picked up soon I hope. Before we went to Texas these rams switched places with...

DSC_9836 ...Faulkner, the BFL ram, to give them more room and so that they couldn't keep getting tangled in the electric fence. It worked for awhile, but the ongoing saga is a subject for another blog post.

Egrets in tree Egrets looking over the pasture.Hot LipsHot LIps.

  IMG_6155Another ram issue. Notice how this horn (which has already been trimmed) is starting to irritate the skin on Alex's shoulders.

IMG_6156 Another trim was required.waterFresh water after cleaning the water trough. I so hope it rains this fall. I'm so tired of being dusty, hot, and dry. I don't know when I've looked forward to winter, but I sure am this year. I just hope it's not a disappointment.Ginny in yardGinny in her watching the road spot. She likes to chase trucks from her side of the fence.