Mix It Up - Weave A Mixed Warp Scarf in a Day

Close up of mixed warp blue, red, and black scarves.
Blue, red, and black scarves on wooden background.
Close up of mixed warp blue, red, and black scarves.
Blue, red, and black scarves on wooden background.
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Mix It Up - Weave A Mixed Warp Scarf in a Day


Do you love those woven fabrics with lots of wild yarns, but don't know where to start? Create a unique light-weight scarf and learn how to combine yarns--fine, heavy, smooth, slubby, ribbon, metallic, hairy, and more AND learn how to wind a warp with a paddle. Imagine, wind 8 or 9 passes on the warping frame and your warp is finished! Warp the loom in the morning and weave the scarf in the afternoon. 

Class size: 2-4 students

Experience: You must have basic weaving experience even if you have woven only one piece. My Learn to Weave class counts. 

Price: $130 includes yarn and use of loom.


If this class isn’t currently scheduled Email Robin to get on a list or to schedule a class.

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