Kid'N'Ewe & Llamas Too

For this trip to Texas I combined a family visit with work, although I'm not sure that I should say that visiting a fiber festival is all work. Kid'N'Ewe & Llamas Too is in it's 27th year. It is held in Boerne, TX which is about 50 minutes from my family's home so it was a convenient event to visit. When I was planning my trip I found out that the organizers were still looking for instructors so I applied.

I taught two classes.

IMG_7255The first was a rigid heddle weaving class with four students.IMG_7330The second class was a new one I developed using the Schacht Zoom Loom. There were 7 students in this one. They had all purchased Zoom Looms previously but had not used them yet.IMG_7331I couldn't bring 16 different cones with me but I had wound off several  groups of all those colors in 8 yards (enough for a Zoom Loom square) each. It wasn't difficult to separate the colors.zoom loom flowersStudents learned how to use the loom and went home with flowers and the knowledge to go further with the little loom.

IMG_7357 - KirbyAfter that Sunday morning class Katie and Kirby and I walked around the vendor buildings.IMG_7252These are batts of fiber ready to felt...IMG_7251...on the needlefelt loom that this vendor brings to the shows. Customers can needlefelt the fiber they buy from her for no charge or pay a fee to use the loom for fiber that they bring.IMG_7353 - goatsAngora goats are common in Texas and there were some at the show.IMG_7376

IMG_7370Where you have Angora goat producers you're going to have dyed mohair.

A few other images from the show:IMG_7363

IMG_7361IMG_7359IMG_7366IMG_7373IMG_7365-Kirby asleep

I think I know where I'll be next year on the second weekend of  November.