Spinzilla Stats

What a team! We placed 18th out of 64 teams worldwide. That's pretty good. In all 5,246,487 yards were spun by those 64 teams plus some rogue spinners (not affiliated with teams). The winning team spun 271,607 yards and the top spinner spun 48,028 yards. Team Meridian Jacobs spun 81, 730 yds, with our top spinner spinning 5687yds. Her comment was that although she doesn't recommend this for everyone, emergency dental surgery (and it wasn't me) meant she couldn't eat or sleep. Why not spin?

Here are more photos from our great week. Thanks to Dona for all these photos.DSC_6612 Lisa.DSC_6624 There were lots of prizes to keep us motivated.DSC_6630



DSC_6696 Spinning at Kathleen's house.DSC_6702


DSC_6822 Taking a break for Ginny's birthday party. See more photos at Rusty's blog.DSC_6853


DSC_6971 Spinning in Chico. That's our Illinois member on the left who met up with us at Fiber Fusion.DSC_6985 A few of our members were on a Sheep to Shawl team at Fiber Fusion so had to figure out their spinning yards in the event. DSC_6995 Ginny on a time-out with no Toy in sight.DSC_7003 In the corral for a group photo. The photo we entered in the contest is in the previous post.DSC_7034 DSC_7065 Another contest entry.DSC_7088What a great group of friends I have. See you here next year. Same time, same place!