Red & Green in October

I put the rams in with the ewes on October 1. This is Day 16 so it's time to change the marker. The ewe's heat cycle averages 17 days. If one of the previously marked ewes is remarked then I know that she wasn't bred in the first cycle. If multiple ewes are remarked I may have a  ram fertility problem.  IMG_7986  I changed the markers for all four rams from red to green.IMG_7984 Hendrix was not very happy about being tied up.IMG_7981 IMG_7977IMG_7978 IMG_7989 All he wanted was to get back to the ewe in heat.IMG_7992 The young ram, now named Santana, (second from right) wasn't put in with the ewes until October 7 but several ewes have been marked. IMG_7996As I was working with the sheep I heard geese honking. It's that time of year.IMG_7999And here is the gorgeous evening sky.

Photography Fun--A Weekly Challenge

Not that I need a another thing to add to the to-do list...but I saw a blog that has a weekly photo challenge and I thought it might be fun to participate. This might only last a week--we'll see. This week's challenge by A Word in Your Ear is Clouds.  Without working very hard I could go back just a couple of weeks to find these photos that I took the day after I got my new lens from Santa.DSC_7396This is the field across the road from my house and the next one was taken just up the road.DSC_7384What is a sunset without clouds?DSC_5394 DSC_5422 DSC_5426 Notice the fog rolling over the hills--fog is just clouds on the ground, right? These sunset photos are taken from my barn looking to the west. The last photo, below, is another that I took from the field across the road.DSC_6828