Weaving in Blue

I got a new loom! It wasn't from Santa. I realized that if I was going to try to sell Schacht looms I'd better have some examples here. I have the smaller looms, but not a large floor loom. So the week before Christmas my loom came. It's an 8-shaft, 46" loom and I ordered a double back beam and sectional beam. Wow! What should the first project  be? Fortunately I didn't have time to worry about the appropriate first project. I had an order to weave a chenille throw and I'd been putting it off. The deadline was Christmas.

Here is the first warp on my new loom. I think that a 46" wide chenille throw is a worthy project for the occasion.

Back view of the loom (before adding the extra beam or even the rest of the treadle tie-ups.

The piece on the left is the original throw that I was to duplicate. The loom was a joy to weave on, even with a 46" wide warp. I am thrilled and can't wait to wind the next warp.

In the meantime I had a deadline for a piece to (hopefully) be used in the next issue of Handwoven.

This was finished  yesterday and mailed today. Its a v-shawl out of yarn called Bambu Lace.

What's happening in the studio

I taught a v-shawl class last week.

The second day of the class was Sunday. On that day the weavers were ready to weave the "v" part of the shawl. These shawls are woven in 2 layers up to the "v" where the fronts join to create the back.

Here is what the shawls looked like when they came off the looms. (The fringes will be trimmed later.)

I think they are happy because they survived this class!

I've been doing my own work in the shop as well.

Red chenille scarves.

More chenille scarves.

These are samples of needlefelted ornaments that we will make this weekend at our Holiday Market Open House. These will also be available as kits.





The November show at the Artery will be the work of all of us fiber artists. I had plenty of warning about the show (many months) but, because I tend to work from deadline to deadline here is what I've been doing in the last couple of weeks. This is a stunning purple chenille v-shawl that includes a sparkly  yarn.

Close-up of the shawl.

Chenille scarves to be displayed with the shawl. You can't tell from the photos but there are sparkles here too.

 Rayon & cotton shawl.

Advancing twill blanket in organic Merino wool.



Merino wool scarves that were woven using a "name draft" that I created for Katie's wedding.

 The end of the warp that wasn't long enough for a full scarf.

I was just talking to my friend who said that this wasn't a bad accomplishment considering that I had deadlines for Handwoven magazine, my daughter's wedding and a concert in my barn all in the last month.