The Younger Generation

It simple math. If I had 65 sheep last November and  want 65 sheep next November, but  81 lambs were born, that means that  I need to sell 81 sheep before November. So out of all the lambs that were born I need to be very selective about which ones I will keep. Here are the chosen lambs so far.

This is Sonata, daughter of Meridian Moon and Sweetgrass Clint.

Lila, a lilac ewe, daughter of  Meridian Lola and Mud Ranch's Hudson.

Fandangle, daughter of Meridian Fran and Sweetgrass Clint.

Kenleigh's Isadora who came from Kenleigh's Acres in Oregon.

Mud Ranch's Foxglove and ...

...Mud Ranch's Ginseng, both lilac lambs from Mud Ranch in Lewiston, CA.

There are plenty of other pretty lambs, but most of them will need to find homes elsewhere. I have my eye on one appealing ram lamb:

Axle, son of Meridian Tina and Sweetgrass Clint.

I almost forgot someone:

Onyx, daughter of Sparkle and Faulkner.

This is Fogerty, a ram who was born last spring. He is one of the rams that I will use for breeding this fall. Here is another photo: