It's been a week since Meet the Sheep, our spring open house. My internet service has been sketchy and every time I started to add photos it was too slow and I gave up. I think technology has been upgraded and hopefully all is well with our internet tower. I can see that tower on the mountain several miles away (one of many--I don't really know which it is--do you think they could put a ribbon on it so I can pick it out?) and if I can see it, shouldn't the little thing on the roof be able to pick up the signal? The Saturday of Meet the Sheep we had gorgeous weather and I know that was one reason we seemed to be so popular. Dozens of people came and enjoyed the sheep, the goats, fiber, fresh air, and a wonderfully sunny (dry) day. As always Farm Club members were a huge help.

Paulette always enjoys a good scratch.
This is an Angora kid owned by my friend, Julie, of Black Oak Ranch.
Julie brought kids and a bottle lamb, all of which were very popular.
She also did a dying demonstration.
Shelby brought her tame chickens.
Jackie demonstrated carding and...
...Alison taught a visitors how to spin.
First handspun yarn.
Photo opportunities
Fashion footwear
Checking out chickens
Fresh yarn
Of course it was all about Meeting the Sheep: