Meridian Jacobs

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Learn to Weave a V-Shawl!

Are you a weaver and you’re looking for something to do on Sunday morning? Yes, this Sunday, September 19. You can attend my virtual class hosted by Lambtown, our local fiber festival which has gone virtual for the second time. You don’t have to be local to attend a virtual event. The class is only 3 hours but it will open up a lifetime of exploration for you. I’ve been weaving these shawls for several years, but in preparing to teach this class (and convert a 2-day in-person workshop to a 3-hour virtual one, I have spent hours and hours weaving and designing and now I wish I had even more time.

What is a v-shawl? Check out the examples below. It is a shawl that stays put on the shoulders and covers the back with a flattering design. When I’m finished getting ready for this class I’ll be putting a lot on the website for sale.

I don’t want to give away all the secrets here but I’ll whet your appetite with a few examples. The one above is handspun Jacob yarn.

Here is a locally sourced very soft wool hand dyed by me.

How about one in rich purple chenille? If you think about it this is a W-shawl and not a V-shawl. There is a story about that to be revealed in the class.

This one is all natural colored, American-grown cotton yarn!

Here are some happy students from back in the take-a-class-in-person days.

This is an example of several wool kits that are on the website now. The cotton kits will be added later. You can take this class without having your loom warped! You will have access to the video through the end of the year so you can sign up at the last minute and take your time with the weaving later. Register here.

Hope to see you there!