Meridian Jacobs

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Hug A Sheep

For the last few years we have celebrated Hug a Sheep Day on the last Saturday of October along with our virtual friends in Kentucky at Equinox Farm who started the tradition. The pandemic has changed that and I just realized that we missed last year too because I was in the hospital following a severe injury. To recognize this tradition I thought that I’d share some sheep hugging memories. The first few photos were taken at Hug A Sheep Day during some of the previous years.

Hug a Sheep Day in October is well after lambs are grown up, but during lambing season there area lot of opportunities to Hug a Lamb too. This is my friend, Claire, hugging a lamb, and she is also the sheep hugger in the photo above this one.

Farm Club members get plenty of chances to hug lambs. I hope that next year we will be able to offer FC members the same opportunities as in the past to be here at lambing time. We will probably still have to think about safe procedures of distance and masks, but I hope that we’ll be able to make it work. The photos below are all of Farm Club members who spend time here during lambing season .

These are photos (above and below) of Jade, our most huggable sheep.

I get a chance to hug lambs occasionally too.

The photos above and below are Jade again, this time with my granddaughter visiting from Texas.